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Take a look at your fingers, are they all thesame? likely you will realize that  they are not thesame. Some are longer and bigger than others, similarly, not all reactions ocuur at thesame rate. Some occur faster than others and still some occur at a slower rate. what we must take note of is that during a chemical reaction reactants are always converted to products. Now the question is: why Do Some Reactions Occur Faster Than Others?  Thats what rates of reaction is all about.


Rates of reaction  refers to the change in the concentration of a reactant to product over time taken based on the number of effective collision.

MATHEMATICALLY it can be shown as follow;

 Rates of rxn= change in the concentration of product to reactant   x effective collision

                                                     time taken


Now from the onset, we noted that not all reactions occur at thesame rate, some occur more faster than others. The question is: WHY DO SOME OCCUR FASTER THAN OTHERS?  Below are four (4) factors affecting the rates of a chemical reaction

  1.  temperature

  2. surface area

  3. concentration

  4. presure


  An increase in the concentration of the reactant will lead to an increase in the rates of a chemical reaction while a decrease in the concentration of the reactant will lead to a decrease in the rates of a chemical reaction.  this is so because an icrease in the concentration of the reactant will bring reacting particles closer thereby decreasing the distance by which reacting particles will travel thereby resulting in many effective collisions per unit time. example include; bleach/eau de javeax. Now we are going to condsider an experiment to help us understand that an increase in the concentration of reactant will lead to an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction (Rxn).




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